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Documentation Area
Document Path: /doc/build/banish
Command: banish - banishing a name from being used
It is important that monsters that have the same name as players are
not created. To avoid this, the file /BANISH contains all reserved
monster names.
To reserve new names for monsters, go to Adventurers' Guild ('goto
/guild/adv/master' or just 'guild'), and use the 'banish' command
there. If a player with the given name exists already, the command
will fail. Also if the name is already banished.
banish <name>
banish susan
Arches CAN banish names of existing players/wizards, but are warned.
In NemTest 'banish' is deaktivated.
The old bugs of multiple banishing and banishing players' and wizards'
names are fixed since the end of 2015.
Arches can 'reread' the banish file in the guild if it was edited.
See also:
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