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Documentation Area

Document Path: /doc/build/livings

The living.c used in this MUD is incompatible to the old one used in other
MUDs, it has a reset() function for important technical reasons.
Also the living.h has changed, it no more inherits anything automatically.

But the "obj/monster" is still function compatible to the old one.
If you do everything that lives, by using obj/monster, and calling the
functions set_hp etc, not try to use the variables directly, then you
can't go wrong.

Another thing that is important: When you do a reset() in your inheriting
monster file, you must FIRST do ::reset(arg), THEN do all the set_.. calls.
The argument is important, or move_at_reset won't work.

Some variables have changed name in living.c:
hit_point is now called 'hp', spell_points is called 'sp' and
myself is 'me' now. 

If you program complex monsters and livings the macros.h might be useful
to you. If anything should change about monster.c etc. the defines in
macros.h will be updated adequately.

Now to the technical reasons: living.c has (or is soon going to get) a new
combat system, which uses arrays to keep status of several enemies at once.
living.c needs to setup these arrays (allocate) at reset, because there
can't be a check for definition in every single combat function, that was
cause too much overhead. So it was a joint decision of many game masters
to swallow the bitter pill of converting all old living objects in favour
of a new combat system and a new stats system (which uses an array, too).

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