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Documentation Area

Document Path: /doc/build/monster

There is a generic monster avaliable. To set up do :
	object mobj;

	mobj = clone_object("obj/monster");

For customization the folling routines are available :

You should call this functions.
    string n. Sets the name and short description to n.
    Sets long description to "You see nothing special.\n"

    int l. The monster gets the level l. 
    Hit points and ep is set as the same as player of level l.
    Armour class to 0 and weapon class to that of hands.

This are the optional functions.
    int hp. Sets hit points to hp.

    int ep. Sets ep to ep.

    string al. Stets the alignment to al, negativ is evil, pos good.

    string n. Adds and alternate name for the monster.

    string n. Adds another alternate name for the monster.

    string r. Adds an alternate generic name for the monster.

    string sh. Sort description is set to sh. Long to short + "\n"

    string long. Long description is set to long.

    int wc. Sets the weapon class, how much the damage it will do, to wc.
    The damage inflicted is in the range 0..wc-1 .

    int ac. Armour class is set to ac.

    int a. 0 means peaceful until attacked. 1 that it will attack everyone
    it sees.

    If this routine is called the monster will do a random move at
    every reset.

    If anyone kisses the monster he will turn into a frog.

    When monster get low on hp it will flee.

init_command(string cmd)
    Force the monster to do a command. The force_us() function isn't
    always good, because it checks the level of the caller, and this function
    can be called by a room.

    object ob. The function 'monster_died' in 'ob' will be called just
    before the monster dies. The argument to 'monster_died' will be the
    nearly dead monster object. The return value from 'monster_died' 
    determins the fate of the monster. A 1 means that the monster will 
    survive 0 that it will die.

    object ob. The function 'monster_init' in 'ob' will be called from
    init in the monster. The argument to 'monster_init' will be the
    the monster object. The return value from 'monster_init' determins 
    if the monster will attack, if it's aggressive. A 1 means that 
    the monster will not attack, 0 that it will function as usually.

These are the spell functions:
    string m. This is the message that the other players in the room
    get when the monster cast's a spell.

    string m. This is the message that the victim of the monster's spell

    int c. This is the percent chance of casting a spell.

    int d. How much damage the spell will do if it hits.
    The damage will be randomly 0 .. d-1 .

These are the chat functions:
    The chat options enables the monster to say something every heart beat.
load_chat(chance, chats)
    int chance: The percentage if the monster will chat (checked every heart
    string *chats: An array of all chats.

load_a_chat(chance, chats)
    The same for attacking chats.

    Do a normal chat.

    The same for attacking chats.

Here are the catch talk functions.
    Catch talk gives the the monster the possibility to act upon what it hears
    and sees. All messages streams that are sent to the monster are compared
    to a set of loadable strings. If a match occurs a function in a given 
    object is called with the matching string as an argument. You can have one 
    function per sentence or multiple senetence per function.

xxxxxxxxxxx ( To be documented :-)

	dam = clone_object("obj/monster");
	call_other(dam, "set_name", "mary");
	call_other(dam, "set_alias", "lady");
	call_other(dam, "set_short", "an old lady");
	call_other(dam, "set_ac", 0);
	call_other(dam, "set_level",5);
	call_other(dam, "set_al",200);
	call_other(dam, "set_hp",30);
	call_other(dam, "set_wc",7);
	call_other(dam, "set_aggressive", 0);

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