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Document Path: /doc/lib/format_time

Simul efun: format_time - calulate a nice expression of the time

	string format_time(int t, int format)

	Returns a nice expression of the time of day.
	It supports six different formats:
	  0 = Conventional format     , e.g. "13:17:21"
	  1 = English format          , e.g. "01:17:21 pm"
	  2 = Beautiful format        , e.g.
		"quarter past 1 o'clock in the afternoon"
	  3 = Elaborate format        , e.g. "17 minutes past 13 o'clock"
	  4 = Elaborate english format, e.g. "17 minutes past 1 o'clock pm"
	  5 = Conventional format without seconds, e.g. "13:17"
	  6 = English format without seconds     , e.g. "01:17 pm"

Return value:
	a nicely formatted string of a time given in seconds since midnight

	Dixie says: "I would recommend the use of the formats two to four
	because they look nicer and the seconds are not very useful due to
	the time speedup."

See also:

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