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Documentation Area
Document Path: /doc/room/set_enter
Name: set_enter - define a list of adjacent rooms that can be enterd in a room
#define EXTD_ROOM
#define ENTER_CMD
set_enter(string *enter_arr)
With the set_enter function you are able to create additional exits
that are not among the obvious exits.
The single argument is an array of the following format:
The first part of the array is the enter id, the second is the file
name of the enter room and the thrid argument is a flag that shows
the condition when the entering is successful.
The flag can be one of the following:
OPEN - can be entered all the time
NIGHT_BARRED - can be entered only if it is day
DAY_BARRED - can be entered only if it is night
CLOSED - always closed (under construction)
FUNCTION - call a function check_enter(room) that returns
1 if the room can be entered, else 0
Return value: none
set_enter( ({ "shop", "room/shop", NIGHT_BARRED,
"bar", "room/pub1", DAY_BARRED,
"guild", "guild/adv/master", OPEN }) );
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