Tutorial For Advanced Room Programming
Table of Contents:
<CHAPTER 1> - 18 - Extended Room Features
- 1 - Table of Contents - 19 - Dynamic Exits
- 2 - Introduction - 20 - Extra Objects
- 3 - A Simple Room - 21 - Extra Commands
- 4 - Realizing a Room - 22 - Other Features
- 5 - Basic Description
- 6 - Light and Weather <CHAPTER 2>
- 7 - Exits - 23 - The Room2 Concepts
- 8 - Room Items - 24 - The Room2 Dualism
- 9 - Day & Night Descriptions - 25 - The Room2 Hierarchy
- 10 - Day & Night Room Items
- 11 - Properties <CHAPTER 3>
- 12 - Magic Maps - 26 - List of Room2 Standard Functions
- 13 - Objects - 27 - List of Room2 Extended Functions
- 14 - Monsters - 28 - List of Room2 Defines
- 15 - Extra Actions - 29 - List of Room2 Properties
- 16 - Extra Descriptions - 30 - Conclusion
- 17 - Dynamic Items - 31 - Addendum 2016
-- This tutorial is also available via https://nemesis.de/lpc/doc/room2/ --