The main development of room2 is finished now. But room2 is no static room
code, it is very flexible and easily extensible. If you have suggestions
for new functions or properties, just mail me (nowadays mail to Kiri) or
write them down onto the wiz board for discussion.
If you are not pleased with the examples shown in this book, you can look
at the second part of the example rooms (start at room/examples/room20).
You will find the most things described within the code there and you see
some practical uses for room2 features.
I want to thank you for reading through this tutorial and I hope you have
fun coding rooms with room2.
Yes, "room2 is no static room code" so we keep on developing it :-)
Please also check the next page to see what has been changed since 2015
and what the perspectives are ...
Changed/modified by Kiri in February and August 2016.