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                                  CHAPTER 1                                     
Realizing a Room:

   First of all, you have to create a file containing this code. There are
   several way to achieve this. Either edit the file from within the game
   using ed (see man ed for more info - hard job ;-) ) or edit the file on
   your local machine and upload the file using mtp or ftp. Or you use our
   MudFM (see also the according manual files).

   Create a file called simple.c in your home directory with one of the
   possibilities mentioned above. All code files must have the ending '.c'
   else they are not recognized by the compiler.

   To compile a file, you have to force to 'load' it. Loading can be achieved
   in several ways. If a player enters a room that isn't loaded, it will be
   loaded automatically. As a wizard you can explicitly load files with the
   'load' command. Vice versa you can unload a file (remove the file from 
   memory) with the 'update' command. The 'reload' command updates and loads
   a room in one go. 'reload here' reloads the room you are currently in.

   Now load and unload the room with the commands above. You can enter the
   room by typing 'goto simple'.

   Changed/modified/modernised in 2015/16.

See also:

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