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Documentation Area
Document Path: /doc/w/ls
Command: ls
Optional arguments: [-aflo] [<path> | <file>]
List the names of all files in the directory pointed to by <path>.
If no <path> is given, list the files in the current directory. That's
your home directory usually. 'ls /' shows a list of all files in the
mudlib root directory.
You can use the tilde (~) just like in a unix shell, that is: 'ls ~'
lists the files in your home directory, 'ls ~/obj' lists a dir called
'obj' in your home and 'ls ~snake' lists Snake's directory, if you're
entitled to see that.
Also wildcards (like '?' or '*') can be used to display only a part of a
directory. Example: ls a*.c , lists all files beginning with 'a' and ending
with '.c'.
Flags (used like with Unix ls):
-a Display all files. ls will also show those files and directories
that have a leading period in the name.
-f Display the filetype of the file at the end of the filename.
Actually this simply appends a slash ('/') to directory names and
a '@' to symbolic links.
-l Give 'long' information about files. That is: access rights (See below),
file size, last modification date/time and maybe the link to a file,
if it is a symbolic link.
If there are more than a page full of files, you are prompted to
press either 'q' to quit or any other key to continue.
-o Display if the file is loaded. Note, that this option uses a lot of
resources, so try to avoid using it frequently.
About access rights:
1: 'd' means this is actually a directory, not a file,
'l' means this is a symbolic link to another file,
2: 'r' means you have read access to this file/directory,
3: 'w' means you have write access to this file/directory.
Note: The command 'dir' was removed, if you need it then
make an alias like this: 'alias dir ls -alf'.
See also:
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