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Command: <feeling> - group of commands for feelings
Creatures have emotions and they want to show them!
These general "feelings" are available in Nemesis (s.o.= someone):
agree ahh apologize applaud
bang barf beg bite
blink blush bounce bow
breath burp cackle caress
cheer chuckle clap comfort
congrat cough count crow
cry cuddle curse curtsey
dance dance like <txt> daydream
despair disagree dream [about s.o]
drool envy embrace excuse [to s.o]
eye faint fart fear
five flip fondle french
frown [at s.o] fume gape gasp
giggle glare gnash greet
grimace grin groan grope
grovel growl grumble gulp
headbang hiccup hmm hold
hold breath howl hug hum
jump kick kiss kisshand
knee kneel laugh [burst, crawl, prust]
laugh [at s.o.] lean lick listen
lol love meditate moan
moonwalk mosh mourn mumble
muse nag nibble nod (at s.o.)
ovat pace pant pat
pat s.o. on shoulder peer pinch
point at sth poke s.o. [eye, ear, stomach, nose]
ponder pose pogo pout
praise puke punch purr
puzzle raise rejoice retch
roll rub <anything> ruffle ruminate
scold scratch scream shake
shame shiver shriek shudder
shrug sigh sing [s.o.] slap
smack smile smirk snap
snarl sneeze snicker sniff
snore snuggle sob spit
sputter squeeze stare stomp
strangle stretch stroke strut
stumble sulk swear sweat
tap thank think tickle
twiddle twinkle view wait
wander wave weep whimper
whine whistle wiggle wince
wink wish luck wonder worship
yawn yowl
<feeling> <being>
<feeling> <being> <adverb>
You smile.
hug susan
You hug Susan.
shake susan happily
You happily shake hands with Susan.
See 'help adverbs' for the adverbs you can use with these feelings.
Example: 'grin demonically'
You may also use the abbreviation 'grin dem', as most of the time
only the first three characters are needed.
If you have any comments or suggestions to the feelings, type:
'idea soul <your message>'
But please, give a reason or example, where you want to use the
new feeling or the adverb. Also please take a look into the lists,
first, perhaps you find another yet existing adverb/feeling that
serves you as well.
See also:
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