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Adventurers' Help: quests

Information: quests - tasks you have to fulfill

	Quests are what makes life of a MUDder hard and fascinating at
	the same time. You are requested to fulfill these tasks while
	you advance in your MUD life, not just in the end. You get
	information about quests by going to the adventurers' guild and
	type 'list', which will tell you how many of them you have to
	solve, and when. You will get sort of a description about the
	quests then, well, it's rather a hint, nothing more. But it
	might at least lead you into the right area, if you know the
	world. You should first try to solve the quests on your own -
	without asking friends and coinhabitants of the MUD. You might
	spoil your own fun. Some quests are really worth it!

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