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Command: set term - shows and sets your terminal type
'set term' shows your current setting of your environment variable
'term' aka "terminal type" (see 'help set').
Your terminal type variable will be set at login, but you can re-set
it with this commmand.
The initial setting at login depends on the answer the Nemesis'
GameDriver (GD) gets from your client when requesting terminal type
information via telnet-negotiations.
It is set to 'unknown' if the GD cannot determine the type or your
(MUD) client does not support it.
It has influence on the behaviour of 'cls', 'xtitle' and 'xicon'
(see 'help cls', 'help xtitle' and 'help xicon').
set term
set term <type>
set term
Variable term is currently set to: xterm
set term
Variable term is currently set to: mushclient
set term
Variable term is currently set to: tinyfugue
set term
Variable term is currently set to: tintin++
set term xterm
Terminal type set to 'xterm'.
Be CAREFUL: Messing with the environment variable 'term' could ruin
your Nemesis session. If your (MUD) client does not support the
required control sequences for ANSI terminals or xterms you will get
"strange" output in your Nemesis session.
This setting is not permanent.
See also:
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