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Information: weapons - more power in fights
Weapons are your means of increasing the amount of damage you
can do to an opponent in the game. Your basic weapons are your
bare hands; these are not all that powerful (unless you study
with the Martial Arts Guild) - it tends to be rather useful to
acquire a weapon to fight with! You can generally tell how good
a weapon is by its price in the shop (at least relatively). The
most important thing about a weapon is this:
It's only effective if you WIELD IT!
Else you just carry your weapon around uselessly ;-). Type 'wield
<weapon>' to wield, and 'unwield <weapon>' to lower your weapon
(see 'help wield'). Only one weapon can be wielded at one time;
spells can be cast additionally.
Based on/taken from Newcastle MUD.
See also:
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