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Command: password - changes your password
With this command you can change your password. You are prompted
to enter first your old password, then the new one twice.
It depends on your applied (MUD) client if your typed password
is visible. Nemesis tries to suppress it.
Old password:
New password:
Retype new password:
Your password must at least have 6 characters and may not be your
player name (neither uppercase nor lowercase).
If you forgot your password and if there is a still valid mail
address stored in Nemesis, it can be reset via
https://nemesis.de/lpc/bin/passwd .
If the above does not work as you have no email address stored
in Nemesis or it is no longer valid, you have to go the hard way
and contact us via email to admin @ nemesis.de (see 'help realname').
See also:
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