A / \ _ Play Now Nemesis on| | | | _______ _ _ _______ _______ _ _______ | |\ | | | ____| | \ / | | ____| / ____| | | / ____| /-------/-------------------------------------------------------------------, O= Home <=XX| About News Pics Adventurers Wizards Download Connect > \-------\-------------------------------------------------------------------' | | \ | | |____ | | | | | |____ ___ \ \ | | ___ \ \ | | \_| |_______| |_| |_| |_______| |_______/ |_| |_______/ \ / V
Kiri the Bald (:-) He's a lord of the Under domain. Last seen 1 day ago. Plan: Cleaning up a whole World ... Full title: Kiri the Bald, Arch-Wizard of Nemesis, Lord of Nemesis Village, Lord of the Underworld, Successor of Scumbag, Master of Susan, Great Hunter of Uncharted Bugs and Features and Father of Wastl the title-less long-haired Wizard-Youngster. Motto: "Some people made the last step from monkey to man ... ... they gave up their hair ..."
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