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                                  CHAPTER 1                                     
Extra Commands:

   Room2 offers some extra commands for the player to simplify creating some
   standard actions that are performed in rooms.

   These special commands are there at the moment - have to be defined with
#define EXTD_ROOM

   READ_CMD -  enables some items in the room to be read. The read
               description can differ from the item description. The
               readable item id's and item descriptions can be set using:
	set_read( ({
		"id1#id1a...", "desc1", "id2#id2a...", "desc2", ...
	}) )
               For more details see 'man room/set_read'.
               Kiri says in 2016: I hope we can build something like this
               without EXTD_ROOM soon ;-) In the Village Domain we have
               features like this going beyond this ...
               Kiri also says: And please no signposts/signs etc. saying
               "perhaps you can read it" when you look at them! ;-) This
               is really annoying! See also page 15 of this tutorial or
               https://nemesis.de/lpc/doc/room2/page15 .

   ENTER_CMD - enables entering of adjacent rooms not using the obvious
               exits mechanism, but an enter command. Entering can be
               even time-dependent. The enter IDs, rooms and time-
               dependence can be set using:
	set_enter( ({ "id1#id2...", "filename", <time-flag>, ... }) )
               Time flag can be CLOSED, DAY_BARRED, NIGHT_BARRED and OPEN.
               For more details see 'man room/set_enter'.

   SEACH_CMD - #define SEARCH_CMD is no longer supported and it is ignored:
               obj/player has a universal search command now.
               See 'man object/search' and 'help search'.
               For other possibilities of "searching" see 'man room/produce'
               (taking room items) and 'man room/do_dig' (digging).

   Changed/modified/modernised by Kiri in February and August 2016.

See also:

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