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Document Path: /doc/room2/page27

                               CHAPTER 3                                        
List of Extended Room2 Functions:

      add_exit(dest, dir)          adds an exit
      remove_exit(dir)             removes an exit
      change_exit_dir(dest, dir)   changes an exit direction
      change_exit_room(dest, dir)  changes an exit destination

      add_extra_object(file, id)   adds an extra object
      remove_extra_object(file)    removes an extra object

      set_read(read_items)         adds readable items

      set_enter(enter_arr)         adds extra non-obvious exits

   Changes/Corrections - see also the last page (page 31) or
   https://nemesis.de/lpc/doc/room2/page31 ):
   - DYNAMIC_ITEMS is NOT part of EXTenDed_ROOM - see also page 16
       and 17 or https://nemesis.de/lpc/doc/room2/page16 and
       https://nemesis.de/lpc/doc/room2/page17 .
   - SEARCH_CMD is obsolete - see 'help search' and 'man object/search'.
       For other possibilities of "searching" see 'man room/produce'
       (taking room items) and 'man room/do_dig' (digging).

   Changed/modified/modernised in August 2016.

See also:

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