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                               CHAPTER 3                                        
List of Room2 Defines:

   EXTRA_INIT fun();    defines an extra init function
   EXTRA_LONG fun(str); defines an extra long function
   DYNAMIC_EXITS        enables use of dynamic exits
   EXTRA_OBJECTS        enables use of extra objects
   NO_OBVIOUS_EXITS     don't display obvious exits
   TAGGED_EXITS         use tagged exits formatted output
   EXITS_CMD            adds an 'exits' command

   Legacy/obsolete (see also the last page - page 31 or
   https://nemesis.de/lpc/doc/room2/page31 ):
     DYNAMIC_ITEMS      ignored, as part of standard room2.h
     SEARCH_CMD         ignored, no longer needed/supported

   Changed/modified/modernised in August 2016.

See also:

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