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Information: combat - fighting monsters
In the old days Nemesis got a combat system totally different
from the original. That means, not only the messages during a
fight are non-standard. The complete coding is different and
In ancient times Junky and lynX said:
A new combat system has been developed that automatically keeps
track of multiple enemies in each living being, monsters and
adventurers. It also keeps track of how much damage has been
done by who.
When a monster dies each adventurer gets his share of experience
depending on how brave he was. However the one who actually gave
the death blow to the monster will get an extra share, and the
message "You kill ..." whilst the others get a "You gain
And when two or more people fight a monster, it will counterattack
all of them every now and then. Other way round, when you fight
8 orcs all by yourself you will hit anyone of them, not just the
first in line.
This has been done to improve atmosphere of combat, and much
more, to finally support team work, team fighting, exploring
and fighting in group.
I wished I had this when *I* was a player.. *sniff*
This was developed at /dev/MUD by lynX and Junky.
You're invited to mail comments or problems to both of us.
Nowadays please contact admin or admin @ nemesis.de if you have
comments or problems in fights (see 'help admin').
In the early 1990s, /dev/MUD was a separate MUD for development
only, run by the Archwizards and Gods of Nemesis. And it is up
again - today we call it "Nemesis test MUD", shortened "NemTest"
or "Test" - see 'help connect'.
For more information about lynX and Junky see 'whois lynx' or
https://nemesis.de/lpc/bin/finger/lynx and 'whois junky' or
https://nemesis.de/lpc/bin/finger/junky .
The spelling of "lynX" is not a typo ;-)
See also:
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