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Adventurers' Help: whisper

Command: whisper - makes you speak in a low voice

	The command 'whisper' makes you speak in a low voice to one
	specific person in the same room. The other persons in this
	room cannot get the meaning of your whispering. But they can
	see what you are doing: "Kiri whispers something to Snake."

	whisper <being> <message>

	whisper snake This is a secret message.
	You whisper 'This is a secret message.' to Snake.
	whisper snake Other persons cannot hear me ...
	You whisper 'Other persons cannot hear me ...' to Snake.

	'whisper' is a cheap and discreet method to communicate with a
	person next to you.

	But think about it: as in real life whispering all day long is
	not really good social behaviour ;-)

See also:

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