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#################################################### @ : Your location # To# ^ : House # ^^Government^^^ ^^F^^^^^ University^^^ ^^^^ # # : City Wall # T^ ^^^^C F^^ ^^^^ # A : Arena # ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^Hall^^ ^^^ ^^^^ # C : Court # ^^^A\ \ \^ M^$ ^^^P # E : Energy Emporium # ^^^^^\ ^ ^^^^ ^^^^\ \^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ # F : Fountain # \ \^ E^\ ^^^ # G : Adventurer's Guild #In^^^^ ^^^^^^\ \^^^ ^^T^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^# I : Inn \ I^T R^^ ^^^^S^# In : Info Center # ^^^ ^^^^^\ ^^^^^ Plaza ^^^^^^^^ ^^^ # M : Magic Shop # St^ ^\ ^^^ ^^G # N : Nemesis Press Agency # ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^T^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^# P : Post Office # ^^N ^^^ ^^F ^^T ^^# R : Review Board # ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^I^^I^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^# S : Garth's Shop # ^%^ ^^^^^ ^^^ # St : Stable # ^^^^ %%% ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ # T : Temple #To %%% ^^^^^ ^^^ # To : Tower ###################################### ### ####### $ : Bank
Here are three maps from inside the World of Nemesis:
There are many more maps available in Nemesis. Most of them are magic, so you get located on them. But you have to either find or buy them somewhere in the world of Nemesis.