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Nemesis bulletin boards: Complaints bulletin board, note 7

Read or Look at Signs?? (Tymeran, Jan 23 1993, 8)
Can we please get some consistency with signs and other things!
Either we READ all the signs or we LOOK AT all the signs, its annoying
to have a mixture of both.

	Tymeran the Annoyed.

On this board you can write any complaints you have.
Wizards will look at it regularly.
The board contains 12 notes:
  1. Rats keep killing me (Andy, Oct 21 1992, 1)
  2. Re: Rats keep killing me (Venger, Nov 1 1992, 12)
  3. Newbies need free weapons (Maximus, Nov 8 1992, 1)
  4. Re: Newbies need free weapons (Miageri, Dec 5 1992, 1)
  5. Help! newbies stuck in Swamp! (Johnathan, Jan 13 1993, 1)
  6. Re: Help! newbies stuck in Swamp! (Saint, Jan 13 1993, 20)
  7. Read or Look at Signs?? (Tymeran, Jan 23 1993, 8)
  8. Re: Read or Look at Signs?? (Berny, May 5 2015, 30)
  9. pawn shop gets too expensive too quickly (Karulinkun, May 21 2015, 4)
  10. Re: pawn shop gets too expensive too quickly (Wastl, Aug 27 2015, 18)
  11. Re: Read or Look at Signs?? (Wastl, Aug 27 2015, 18)
  12. Re: Read or Look at Signs?? (Kiri, Jun 12 2016, 62)

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