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Nemesis bulletin boards: Complaints bulletin board, note 10

Re: pawn shop gets too expensive too quickly (Wastl, Aug 27 2015, 18)
There were some changes with in pawn shop:

1. The price is always the same, it gets higher if the item moves on the
'list' for everybody.
2. That will automatically happen after one week Real-Life-Time.

Wastl (hoping you like it more now)

On this board you can write any complaints you have.
Wizards will look at it regularly.
The board contains 12 notes:
  1. Rats keep killing me (Andy, Oct 21 1992, 1)
  2. Re: Rats keep killing me (Venger, Nov 1 1992, 12)
  3. Newbies need free weapons (Maximus, Nov 8 1992, 1)
  4. Re: Newbies need free weapons (Miageri, Dec 5 1992, 1)
  5. Help! newbies stuck in Swamp! (Johnathan, Jan 13 1993, 1)
  6. Re: Help! newbies stuck in Swamp! (Saint, Jan 13 1993, 20)
  7. Read or Look at Signs?? (Tymeran, Jan 23 1993, 8)
  8. Re: Read or Look at Signs?? (Berny, May 5 2015, 30)
  9. pawn shop gets too expensive too quickly (Karulinkun, May 21 2015, 4)
  10. Re: pawn shop gets too expensive too quickly (Wastl, Aug 27 2015, 18)
  11. Re: Read or Look at Signs?? (Wastl, Aug 27 2015, 18)
  12. Re: Read or Look at Signs?? (Kiri, Jun 12 2016, 62)

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