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Command: do - executes several commands in a row
The 'do' command creates a sequence of commands executed
automatically one after the other. It can be used for all kinds
of commands usable in Nemesis.
These commands will be executed corresponding to your "heartbeat":
Every third second a command will be executed.
do <cmd1>,<cmd2>,... executes the cmd1, cmd2, ... sequentially.
do stops any do-sequence.
resume resumes a stopped execution or
switches between two queues.
do giggle,giggle,giggle makes you giggle three times.
do stops the giggling.
do grin,grin,grin makes you grin three times.
resume resumes to the giggling.
resume resumes to the grinning again.
The 'do' command is part the S h e l l coded by Mangar the Dark.
More about Mangar see https://nemesis.de/lpc/bin/finger/mangar or
try 'whois mangar'.
Any occurring errors should be reported to admin (see 'help admin')
or via 'bug me shell <problem>' (see 'help bug') or 'idea me shell
<idea>' (see 'help idea') etc.
See also:
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