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Adventurers' Help: shell

Information: Shell

	The  S h e l l  is a tool that can help you to type less by defining
	shortcut aliases for both complete and incomplete commands. In
	addition, the shell provides a history-function and a function to
	do some commands sequentially by typing one do-string.

	To obtain full information about the power of the shell, see:

		'help alias'
		'help do'
		'help history'

	You are born with our  S h e l l. You don't have to search it in
	any storage rooms.

	Nobody's perfect, not even Mangar ;-) So if a bug occurres, please
	mail to admin (see 'help admin') or via 'bug me shell <problem>'
	(see 'help bug') or 'idea me shell <idea>' (see 'help idea') etc.

	Mangar the Dark developed this wonderful tool in the 1990s - more
	about Mangar see https://nemesis.de/lpc/bin/finger/mangar or try
	'whois mangar'.

See also:

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