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Adventurers' Help: history

Command: history - shows your last commands

	The 'history' command shows you the commands you have entered
	last and how to execute them again.

	history                 shows your last 20 commands entered.
	%%                      executes your last command.
	%<number>               executes the <number> command in
	                         your history.
	%<string>               executes the last command beginning
	                         with <string> in your history.

	score                   (just to have an example for below in
	history                 shows the last 20 commands.
	%%                      would execute 'history' - see line above ;-)
	%20			executes command no.20 of your command history.
	%sc			would execute 'score' - see first line
				of this example.

	'history' may be shortcutted by 'hi', 'his', 'hist', etc.

	For further abbreviations see 'help abbreviations'.

	'history' is part the  S h e l l  coded by Mangar the Dark - more
	about Mangar see https://nemesis.de/lpc/bin/finger/mangar or try
	'whois mangar'.
	Any occurring errors should be reported to admin (see 'help admin')
	or via 'bug me shell <problem>' (see 'help bug') or 'idea me shell
	<idea>' (see 'help idea') etc.

See also:

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