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Adventurers' Help: show

Command: show - shows an item

	Shows an item you carry to all beings or to one being only. The
	other beings have to be in your room to see it.

	The being(s) to whom you show the item get(s) usually the same
	description as you when you look at it (or examine it). It might
	differ though if it is a very private item.

	You also can show "item number X" - see Examples: below and 'help

	show <item>
	show <item> to <being>

	show sword
	show axe 3
	show knife to xyz
	show sword 2 to xyz
	show pizza to susan

	'show' can be abbreviated to 'sh', 'sho', etc.

	You can only show items, which are in your 'inventory'.

See also:

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