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Adventurers' Help: numbering

Information: numbering of items

	When referring to one item out of a list of similar items, a
	number can be used to pick the right one.

	The numbering goes top down in the corresponding inventory, your
	'inventory', but also the "inventory" of the room where you are,
	the "inventory" of a container, e.g. a bag.
	It depends on your command, in which "inventory" the search is
	done or where it starts.

	This means 'examine'/'look at' works for items you carry (your
	'inventory'), but also for all items in the room, you are in. The
	numbering of the items starts in your 'inventory', then continues
	with apparent items in the room (listed below 'obvious exits')
	and finally refers to items only mentioned in the description of
	the room (the so-called room items), until the requested <item #>,
	e.g. sword 3, is either found or definitively does not exist here.

	'search' (see 'help search') works identically concerning numbering.

	'get <item #>' goes to the room (sometimes even to items only
	mentioned in the room description). E.g. 'get knife 4' addresses the
	4th knife in the room, you are in - and you will get (or take) it if
	there are at least 4 knives.

	'get <item #> from <container #>' directs your 'get <item #>' to the
	<container #> e.g. a bag or a chest. This <container #> could be
	carried by you or could be in the room, you are in. This means the
	numbering of the <containers> starts in your 'inventory'. If you
	carry less bags than the given number, counting continues in the

	'put <item #> in <container #>' refers to <item #> in your 'inventory'
	as you must have an item to put it somewhere. The <container #> must
	be either part of your 'inventory' or be in the room.

	'give <item #> to <being #>' works correspondingly: you 'give'
	<item #> from your 'inventory' to a being that has to be in the
	same room.

	You can use the commands 'drop <item #>' and 'show <item #>'
	concerning numbering in the same way.

	The commands 'browse', 'buy', 'sell' and 'value' in shops work also
	with numbering.

	<command> <item #>
	examine <item #>
	look at <item #>
	get <item #>
	get <item #> from <container>
	take <item #> from <container>
	get <item> from <container #>
	put <item #> in <container #>
	give <item #> to <being #>
	show <item #>
	search <item #>
	examine corpse 2
	get axe 2
	take axe from corpse 2
	put axe 4 in bag 2
	put gargle blaster in bag 3
	give ring 2 to susan

	In the near future you will also be able to 'wield <item #>' or
	'wear <item #>' or perhaps even 'wear all'.

	Many thanks to Karulinkun (see 'whois karulinkun' or
	https://nemesis.de/lpc/bin/finger/karulinkun ) who made Kiri (see
	'whois kiri' or https://nemesis.de/lpc/bin/finger/kiri ) think about
	the old numbering ...

See also:

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