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Adventurers' Help: typo

Command: typo - reports a typo, resp. grammatical error

        Stores a message describing a spelling, resp. grammatical error.
	The wizards will examine it.

	The new reporting supports "tags" to say where you found a typo,
	in which <item> a spelling error is. Possible "tags" are:

	    general  : a typo in a help page, on the web pages, etc.,
	    me       : a typo in your own body,
	    soul     : a typo in the so-called soul - see 'help feelings',
	    here     : a typo in the room description etc. you are in,
	    <item>   : a typo in a specific <item> in the room, in an <item>
	               you carry around or a so-called room item (mentioned
	               in the room description) - numbering is supported
	               (see 'help numbering').

	All messages are very welcome, so do not hesitate.

	typo <tag> <message>

	typo general 'help typo' supurts -> supports
	typo general https://nemesis.de/players/ adventarers -> adventurers
	typo soul 'poke susan nose' inthe nos -> in the nose
	typo here chruch -> church
	typo short sword 2 'x sword' shrot -> short
	typo lawn rahter -> rather

	"Tagging" an item can be done with several words like "gold bar"
	or "short sword 2" - numbering is supported (see 'help numbering').

	By using an appropriate "tag" AND showing what's wrong and how to
	correct it you help the wizards and arches to fix the typo.

	According to the "tag" your message is written to the corresponding
	log file: reports for "here" and "<item>" go to the log file of the
	creating domain (organized building area) or of the wizard, which
	are /log/<domain>.rep or /log/<wizard>.rep . "general" tagged ones
	are written to the file /log/TYPO and "soul" go to /log/IDEA_SOUL .

	The support of "tags" was developed by Wastl ('whois wastl' or
	https://nemesis.de/lpc/bin/finger/wastl ) in Summer 2016.

See also:

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